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38th Mt. Wilson Trail Race
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Back to Trail Race main page
2004 Trail Race Committee
This year's course
Pasta Pre-load Party, Friday,
Pre-race and General Photos
Finish photos
Race Results
38th Mt. Wilson Trail Race Won With (Unofficial) Time of
59:09 by Matt Ebiner of Covina
The 38th Mount Wilson Trail Race was run on
Saturday, May 29th by 292 hearty (and hardy) souls. Unofficially,
the winner of the race, with a
time of 59:09, was 43-year old M att Ebiner of Covina.
Ebiner cut nearly five minutes off his time from last year, when he came in
third, with a time of
1:04.33. 26-Year old Kevin Koeper
of Arcadia, who won the race in 200 and 2001, came in second with a time
of 1:00:30. 325 people had filled out applications to run, and
that's the maximum allowed. On race day, 292 of them signed in.
According to an as yet unconfirmed report, one of the racers left the
trail in an ambulance, meaning 291 finished the race. The results
show 289 times, so we are assuming that two people finished the race
after the official timekeeping had ended. The youngest
applicant was just 10 years old, Trent Benson of Sierra Madre.
The fastest female in the race was 35-year old
Sharon Pevsner, pictured below left. Sharon's time was 1:21:10.
A crowd of several hundred turned out to cheer on the runners, enjoy
coffee and breakfast at local shops, and visit the booths set up in
Kersting Court. In addition to sponsor's booths, there were booths
set up by the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society and
Dr. Bill White, whose booth detailed the history of the trail and
the race. In addition, there was a big screen display of a
well-produced video by local resident Denny Barry and Denny
Barry Productions, which also provided information on the history of
the trail and of the trail race, featuring Dr. White and John
Robinson, noted San Gabriel Mountain historian and author, as well
as several local residents, recalling the glory days of the trail when
there were several overnight camps along the way. Sponsors of this
year's race were Commercial Imaging Solutions, Mountain Views
Newspaper, New Balance, Patagonia, Run With Us, and the Sierra Madre
Brewing Company2. The Mt. Wilson Trail Race is put
on each year by the Mt. Wilson Trail Race Committee, Sierra Madre
Community Services Department, Sierra Madre Civic Club and Sierra
Madre Search and Rescue. Additional support was provided by
Trader Joe's, Howie's Ranch Market, and Leonora Moss.
Many other local businesses donated prizes for a runner's raffle, and
Patagonia also conducted a raffle this year, with proceeds to assist
in providing maintenance of the trail.
Mt. Wilson Trail Race Committee,
Sierra Madre Community Services Department,
Sierra Madre Civic Club, and
Sierra Madre Search & Rescue Team
Title Sponsors
Race Sponsors
Mountain Views Newspaper,
Patagonia - Pasadena, Peppertree Grill, Commercial Imaging Solutions, Sierra
Madre Brewery2, Runners World, Sierra Madre
Civic Club, Sierra Madre News Net, Sierra Madre Community Services Department
and Sierra Madre Search and Rescue
In-Kind Services Provided by
Sierra Madre Emergency Communications Team
Sierra Madre Boy Scout Troop 110
Sierra Madre Police Department
Sierra Madre Cub Scout Pack 110
Sierra Madre Public Works Department |
Sierra Madre Trail Blazers - Charlie Bell,
Peter McNulty
Sierra Madre
Volunteer Fire Department
Sierra Madre
Woman's Club
Larry Twedell
Leonora Moss |
2004 Trail Race Committee
Pete Siberell, Chairman
Josh Moran, Logistics
Charlie Bell, Trail Maintenance
Pete McNulty, Trail Maintenance
Robert Stockly, Race Consultant
Brad Nielsen, Announcer
Mike Parker, Sierra Madre Search and Rescue
Karen Clemens, Artwork Design
Dan Bell, Program Coordinator
Charles Taddei, Recreation Coordinator
Mary Beth Knox, Volunteer Coordinator
Members At Large
Mary Kay Gifford, Pam Kelly, Carol Langford,
Bill Coburn, Toni Moran and Darlene Traxler