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Long-time Sierra Madrean Paul Magaris Passes Away
Paul Magaris, a Sierra Madre resident
for more than 30 years, passed away on Thursday, June 29th
after suffering a heart attack and collapsing at home. He was 77.
Magaris was born in San Diego, CA, on June 13, 1929, and as a
self-described “Navy brat” spent much of his young life moving around
from place to place. He was a graduate of Pasadena City College, and
spent many years working in electronics/communications for CBS. He then
moved to Bell and Howell, where he worked in marketing. He eventually
retired from Bell and Howell, but didn’t stay retired for long, as he
soon hired on with Western Graphtech in Orange County. He then retired
for good, about ten years ago. Paul was actively involved with many
organizations, including a social group called TNT through which he
participated in road rallies and competitions, and served as a past
president. He was also involved with an RV group, though he didn’t
actually own an RV himself. Paul taught computer classes at the Senior
Center here in town, and sat on the Library Planning Committee which
created guidelines for the Library to move into the 21st
century. But his passion was the Kiwanis Club of Sierra Madre, where he
served multiple times as a Board member and was a multiple past
president, as well. Long-time friend Doug Berkshire recalled that when he
joined the Kiwanis in the late 70s, Paul was president of Kiwanis, and
stated that “He was really the sweat part of the whole thing….He was a
staunch supporter of many Kiwanis events, including the 4th of
July booth, the annual pancake breakfast, the Wistaria Festival, was very
active in raising funds for the EMT mobile units, and raising the pergola
in Memorial Park just east of the Senior Center. He’s gonna be missed,
I’ll tell you that.” According to Berkshire, Magaris was also very
involved with the Pioneer Days chicken dinners held at Lizzie’s Trail
Inn, and recently was the “spark plug for Jack’s Tack Shack.” Jack’s
Tack Shack is named for Jack Hughes, a fellow Kiwanian who had passed
away and left funds to create a “house” for memorabilia related to
Lizzie’s Trail Inn and the mule packers that were such an integral part
of Sierra Madre history. Dr. Bill White, who is also passionate about
Lizzie’s Trail Inn and the mule packers of Sierra Madre, noted that
Magaris was “a long-time friend, for many years. He will be missed.
He’s done many things for the people of this community.” According
to “his lady” Rita Pierce, Paul loved to travel, and was her partner in
life, her best friend, and a super companion. “Paul was an incredible
human being, with a real zest for life, a wicked sense of humor, and
amazing blue eyes." He is survived by his sister, Georgia Harrod of
Placentia, a son, Ted Ziedses Des Plantes and his wife Donna of
Cincinatti, OH, and a grandson, Eric. A memorial will be held on
Friday, July 7th at 11am at Sierra Madre Congregational
Church. On Saturday, his ashes will be scattered off the coast of
Newport Beach, where he lived for several years, and always loved.