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Arnold's Frontier Hardware & Gifts
Rambo, Century 21 Village Realty Gem Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Gwen Gordon, Fine Art/Graphic Design Solutions Hands 2 Health Wellness Center, Dr. Teresa Smith, Chiropractor Harlequin Art Gallery and Restoration Moe's Automotive Service Center Redstone Commercial Real Estate Reni Rose, Prudential CA Realty Ruth Richardson, Fine/Portrait Artist
Arbor Day Tree Planting April 25th, 2003 At 9am on Friday April 25, a new Coast Live Oak was planted at Bailey Canyon Park, to honor Tal Morash. Tal Morash was a long-time Sierra Madrean and environmentalist who taught environmental analysis at Cal State Northridge for 23 years. Morash passed away in 1998. He had been active in the Sierra Madre Environmental Action Council and was a former President of the Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society. Shortly after his death, a Coast Live Oak was planted in his honor at Bailey Canyon Park, however, the tree had been damaged and was not doing well. After consulting with an arborist, it was determined that the tree needed to be replaced. Pictured below are Sierra Madre Environmental Action Council President Laurie Cooper who joined with Morash's wife Midge Morash (VP of SMEAC, and the 2000 Sierra Madre Older American of the Year), and Susie McConnell of Sierra Madre Public Works to plant the replacement tree. Roll your mouse over the rock picture to view the plaque dedicated to Tal Morash, and if you click on the image, you'll see the plaque really big..
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