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Sierra Madre Rose Float Well Under Way,
Presentations Made to City Council
Tuesday, 6/13/06
first Sierra Madre entry in the Tournament of Roses Parade took place way back
in 1917, and since then the floats have run the gamut, sometimes simple,
sometimes not so simple. But Sierra Madre’s float is one of only six remaining
self-built floats in the annual extravaganza. In other words, Sierra Madre
builds it, it doesn’t contract out to a corporation created for the purpose of
building floats. At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, Jeff Throop of
the Tournament of Roses Assn. presented to the City Council a framed photo of
last year’s float as it meandered down the parade route. The float, designed by
Charles Meier, was named “Wonder of Reading” and was the winner of the Founder’s
Banner Trophy, the city’s first award for a float in 20 years, and its fourth
overall. Throop is a long-time Sierra Madrean, and son of this year’s Older
American of the Year from Sierra Madre, George Throop. He is scheduled to be
president of the Tournament of Roses Association in 2011. Also, at the
Council meeting, Sierra Madre Rose Float Association (SMRFA) president Robert
Young displayed a rendering of next year’s
float. 2007 is the centennial year for the incorporation of the City of Sierra
Madre, and next year’s float reflects that by honoring some of the things for
which Sierra Madre is best known. The city’s world-famous Wistaria vine, which
is the centerpiece each year of a one day festival that draws thousands to the
foothill village, is one of the landmarks. The vine is listed in the Guinness
Book of World Records as the largest blossoming plant in the world. This year’s
float will feature, in addition to the Wistaria, hummingbirds hovering around
the vine, and multiple waterfalls. While the SMRFA float is best known for
its participation in the
Tournament of Roses parade, it actually is also
displayed each year in a second parade, the Sierra Madre Fourth of July parade.
According to those in the know, the chassis is being fitted with its customary
floral and seating adaptations and is already sporting the tall flags displayed
in past years. She's starting to look like a Fourth of July parade entry again.
As for the January 1st preparations, the engine, pump and generator
are all in and only lack some belts, a couple linkages and a couple hoses to be
up and running. The governor for it is next to be cobbled up and its controls
are in and waiting. As for the audio set of the float - the electronics to
power the set from either the generator or its dedicated shore line are in. All
the audio wiring is in and fully rain shielded. It's good to go for the
parades. R&D work on the Wistaria clusters has now turned the corner into
production pieces and the SMRFA says they look great. They've also begun test
welding on the hummingbird designs. Long-time volunteer Mike Moran is
shaping the first one out and SMRFA hopes to bring it along for the 4th as well.
The barn's regular open schedule for volunteers will be Wednesday and Thursday
evenings from 6:00 pm and Sundays from 10:00 am. The Wednesday addition will
begin the 21st of June. All volunteers are welcome and invited.
There will also still be activity at the barn on Sundays from 10 a.m. to at
least 5 p.m.. The Decoration Committee will be preparing flower holders for the
Wistaria blooms (lots of them). That and preparing dry material for the float
will give volunteers plenty of things to do. Residents are invited to stop by
and help when they can. SMRFA will be conducting fundraising activities
during the 4th of July festivities, and you can help. Activities
commence at 4pm, July 3rd, with their annual Food Booth at Memorial
Park, and will continue after the parade on the 4th. They will be selling
hamburgers/cheese burgers, chips, ice cream and soft drinks/water. In addition
and importantly, they will be selling long-stem roses along the parade route.
Bring some extra “ones” in your pocket to donate for flowers, and help fund this
year’s float.