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Veteran's Wall Dedication
Saturday, Oct. 11,
John Grijalva's
dream came true Saturday, with the dedication of the Veteran's Memorial Wall.
John and the Veteran's Wall Committee worked tirelessly to raise the
funds, get the permits, determine the location, and make the dream a reality.
Ms. Cynthia Fulton, mother of Donald J. Cline, Jr., a Sierra Madrean
who lost his life in combat in Iraq, pulled the rope and removed the drape,
revealing the granite based structure that features stainless steel likenesses
of Sierra Madre veterans. Council member Doug Hayes emceed the
ceremony, attended by approximately 300. Sierra Madre veterans Bud
Switzer and Ernie Smith raised the flag on the flagpole for the first
time, Mayor Bart Doyle spoke, a Marine
Color Guard opened the ceremonies, Bill Garr of the Navy League presented
proclamations, and
Marine Colonel
Joseph N. Smith, USMC (Ret.),
Director of the Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs for the County of Los
Angeles, had to rein in his emotions as he spoke about the men he's had the
honor of leading during his years of service. Ninety percent of the rock
used in the construction of the wall came from one rock, found in Sierra Madre
and cut into pieces for this wall. The flagpole didn't get put up until
9:30pm Friday night, but all was ready for the ceremony. An interesting
side note, at 7:30pm, as I was walking home from the Rotary Tri-tip dinner, I
saw John Grijalva turning down Hermosa and parking near the Wall. My first
thought was that he was wanting to see the Wall at night, under the lighting.
Then I saw that Ed Clare and Bud Switzer, two members of the
Committee were there, as well, and realized that these men had left their homes
on a Saturday night because Ed had realized that since the lights for the
flagpole were not yet installed, the flag was flying in the dark. Out of
respect for the flag, they gathered at the park, to lower it so that it would
not fly without the proper lighting. Somehow, I don't think most of
today's generation would have even thought of it, much less made the effort to
show that respect for our flag. Kudos to you gentlemen.

special dedication to Louie Van Iersel, Sr., a Sierra Madre Congressional
Medal of Honor winner |

Draped wall, prior to ceremony |

Gordon Caldwell greets some friends from the VFW |

Snookie Gregor, who goes to everything, was here with friends |

of the hour John Grijalva with Col. Joseph Smith |

Switzer and Ernie Smith get ready to raise the flag. Ernie Smith
served in the Air Force, the Marines, and the Army |

flag goes up over the Veteran's Memorial Wall for the first time ever |

Committee Member Bud Switzer gives instructions to Cynthia Fulton on the
removal of the drape |

was a good crowd, estimated at 300 |

Council member George Maurer, City Manager Tamara Gates |

old North Church serves as a backdrop as Marines prepare for the ceremony |

Landscape designer Lew Watanabe made it out for the ceremony |

Another crowd shot, that's Ray Hall on keyboards |

Echenarria sang God Bless America and led the crowd on the Star Spangled
Banner to open the ceremony |

Marine Color Guard presents the colors |

Lambdin read "A Soldier's Prayer" |

Grijalva thanks the committee and his wife for making his dream a reality |

That's the committee in the front row |

Hayes emceed |

Bart Doyle spoke |

Joseph Smith says a few words |

Garr, President of the Navy League presented proclamations to the Committee
Members |

veterans in the crowd stand to be recognized for their service |

Garr reads the proclamation |

Grijalva receives his proclamation |

Cynthia Fulton is escorted by Ernie Smith and a gentleman named Steve
who has just returned from Iraq |

Clare assists with removal of the drape |

Members of the Committee |

Another shot of the Committee |

of the wall |

Donald Cline Jr.'s family sees his photo on the wall |

Ditto |

crowd gets its first glimpses at the wall |

Tyler |

brick memorial thank you to the Committee |

distant shot to show the flag(pole) |

family picture |

Goss, who cut the rock, was one of several who received thank you plaques
from the Committee