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Eric's Story
(This letter has not been edited. We are showing it to you as it came to K-9 Assistance Services. Photos of Eric with the dog Niklas provided courtesy of K-9 Assistance Services, Inc.)
As a newborn Eric
started off on the foot so to speak he was stillborn doctors worked on him and
resisted. We knew then that Eric's life was a precious one and that he was meant
to do something special with the life god gave him. As
At the ages of 6 & 7 years old he started getting real sick of his stomach and chest and again developed pneumonia again. The doctors and all of his specialist ran a lot no test and found that Eric had burned a hole in his esophagogas and top of his stomach from a real bad acid reflux disease. They have decided to perform a Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with Biopsies and the surgeon's decided to perform a Nissen Fundoplication which means that my baby boy could never throw up if he get an upset stomach he would have to go to the emergency room to have a G.I tube put through his nose to his stomach.
Well we thought that was all that could go wrong the following months Eric had developed pneumonia again so the E.N.T specialist and the pulmonary specialist decided that there was no other alternative but to put him through another surgery so they performed a sinus surgery. Eric was back home for about 3 months when we started to notice him getting worse at a fast pace and he always looked liked if couldn't open his eyes and was always in unbelievable pain and as a mother I think I suffered more then he did because mom is always supposed to make it better and these time I was as helpless as he was.
So we started to take him back to the specialist and out of all the 13 different Specialist[ our son had the Opthomalogist was the one to finally find the what we call the big one the disease that changed and destroyed our sons future for ever. Our son was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease called Myasthenia Gravis with is a neurological muscle disease. Eric had to under go a very dangerous surgery because of the disease caused him to develop a chest tumor so they gave him a transthoracic Thymectomy.
I believe that the responsibility of taking care of someone else that needs him instead of him needing someone. My son is a animal lover without question and I know he will take the best care of the dog and he understands that the dog is there to work with him in assisting his needs so that they can grow together and Eric can see that there's ways to be a independent person dissipate his many illness. My son used to talk about becoming a doctor to help others like himself. Now that we found out that he has a learning disability on top of everything else he has given up on his dreams because he says he won't even be here to make it all the way to be a doctor.
I hope that these program will give him a chance to take back some of his life and what he is missing from his life and start mending his Big broken little heart and make him the young man I knew years back before the disease took him away from me mentally and possible sometime down the line it will take him physically. I hope your organization will consider him as a receipt of a special animal for a very special boy. |
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