SEPTEMBER 13, 2002


An Award Ceremony was held at the Library on September 13, 2002 at which over 75 young readers received a Certificate of Achievement and a library bound Newbery Award Winning book, A SINGLE SHARD by Linda Sue Park. Collectively, these proud students read over 3,000 hours!   Paul Magaris, President of Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club, Tammy Gates, City Manager, Toni Buckner, Director of Library Services, and Cathy Ryne, Children’s and Young Adult Librarian all said a few words and handed out the awards to the recipients.  The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club generously sponsored the Challenger’s Program.  In the pictures below, Paul Magaris is the guy, the dark haired lady to his right is Cathy Ryne, and the dark haired lady on the far right is Tammy Gates.  I believe the lady second from right is Donna Howard, Library Children Services, but I'm not sure.  For a list of names of the children honored, click here.  To see a larger version of the pictures below, just click on the thumbnail.  Parents, before you get upset, very few of these pictures were taken at a time the kids were supposed to be still and posing.  There were so many kids, it was pretty much impossible to get everybody in one shot, so figure that you're going to have to look at several.