The group that motor homed it to Colorado
Springs to join Jay, with Jay - Wayne McAdam, Jim Dunn, Jay, Joe Nurre, Pat.
I am taking the picture, so I'm not in it. |

Firemen prior to the service |

Firemen with flags to be presented look for
fallen firefighter's family to receive the flags |
Click here to view videos,
including bagpipes, motorcycle procession, etc. |

The memorial with the US and Canadian flags flying between hook and ladder
trucks |

Bagpipers warm up prior to the service |

Many people used paper and writing utensils to make a shaded copy of their
loved one's name as etched in the memorial |

Colorado Springs Police Honor Guard practicing for the 21-gun salute.

The traditional ringing of the
bells was done on two bells, here's one of them |

My brother, Lt./Paramedic John
E. Coburn, VP of Associated Firefighters Of Matteson (IL), Local 3086.
Standing to his left is my other brother Patrick Coburn. From here
on out they'll be Pat and Jay. |

A better shot of Jay |

Part of Honor Guard standing near bells

Hundreds of motorcycles arrive at the service |

Spectators lined the roads to see the
motorcycles arrive |

After the motorcycles, there was a procession
of fire trucks/engines/rigs of all sorts |

oldest fire "rig" in the procession |

Crowd shot |

There were two big screens helping people to
see. Master of Ceremonies Michael McNeill, IAFF 9th District Vice
President |
Presentation of the colors, by IAFF Honor Guards from the US and Canada |

There was a flyover by the USAF, a C-130,
which was used to fight fires that ravaged more than 100,000 acres of
Colorado in 2002 |

Honor Guard presenting colors |

Members of the IAFF Honor Guard |

As the Honor Guard marches in with their flags
from various states, the big screen shows the US and Canadian Flags |

The Wreath to be presented at the Memorial |

Bagpipers on the big screen |

The wreath on the big screen, with the hook
and ladder bearing the US and Canadian flags |

The names of the fallen were displayed on the
big screen as an announcer read them off. The names of the fallen
from the World Trade Center took 19 minutes. |

The crowd was so large, they had a second set
of Taps players halfway back |

Firefighters salute their fallen brethren. |

Lt. Coburn at attention alongside the Union
seal and the sitting fireman memorial |

Members of the color guard by the IAFF seal
after the service |

Unknown firefighter poses with child alongside
the Union seal |

The Memorial depicts a firefighter carrying a
child down a ladder |

A wider shot |

Another angle |

The IAFF wreath after placement at the
Memorial |

That's me on the left, Jay in the middle, and
Pat on the right |

That evening, a several square block area of
Colorado Springs was closed to traffic to allow the firefighters a chance
to unwind after the emotional service |

Jay and Pat with a couple yards of unwinding
"juice" each |

Me, Fireman Bob Lanz of Oak Lawn Professional
Firefighters Assoc. Local 3405, Wayne, Joe, Jay, Pat and Jim |

The gentleman in the black shirt is IAFF
General President Harold A. Schaitberger |

That's IAFF Pres. Schaitberger in the middle
of the crowd at a pub named Jack Quinn's.

closer shot |
Video Files
Bagpipers warm up (not
very tuneful), includes a shot of the flags waving from the hook and ladder
Motorcycle procession
- It was a very moving tribute. YOU only get about 30
seconds, but imagine this - this procession lasted so long my
brother-in-law Wayne said he videotaped some, went into the store and
bought smokes, came out and videotaped a little more, smoked a cigarette,
then videotaped some more.
Fire engine procession,
another long, moving tribute
Crowd shot, audio of bagpipers is better |
Video Files
NY Pipe and Drum Band plays
"You're a Grand
Old Flag" during tribute to fallen, pipers can be seen on big
screen in background
All pipers play together during recessional
Bagpipers and drums at night in downtown
Colorado Springs. Dark video, but you may notice a flag flying
overhead, and there's a second where a camera flash goes off. The main
reason to watch this dark video is to hear the pipers.
More bagpipers and drums at night downtown. This one is hard to
see too, but it's worth it just to hear the pipes. |