Thought for Everyday:
"We hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
for a complete transcript of the Declaration of Independence
Sierra Madre Fourth of July, 2009
Back to Sierra Madre 4th
of July main page
Links to 2009 pics and videos
This Year's Schedule - Friday July 3rd
Food booths open at 5pm.
Concert featuring "The Sheds"
starting at 6pm.
Concert featuring "Aluminum
Marshmallow" 6:30pm to 10pm.
5th Annual "Bubble Wrap
Fireworks" approx. 8pm. Beer Garden open from 5 - 10pm.
All events are sponsored by
the 4th of July Committee, the Beer Garden is co-sponsored by the Sierra
Madre 4th of July Committee, Friends of the Sierra Madre Little League,
and the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce.
This Year's Schedule,
Saturday, July 4th
- Sierra Madre Woman's
Club Pre-Parade Open House, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., 8am
- 4th of July Parade,
- Outdoor Games at
Memorial Park, Noon
- Dixieland Jazz by
Nightblooming Jazzmen at Memorial Park, Noon to 4pm
- Food and Beer Garden
at Memorial Park, Noon to 4pm
- Woman's Club Open
House sponsored by Sierra Madre Woman's Club, Beer Garden co-sponsored by
Sierra Madre 4th of July Comittee, Friends of the Sierra Madre Little
League, and Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce. All other activities
sponsored by Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee
Press Releases (date is date of release)
July 3rd - Concerts
and activities in the park (Coming Soon)
July 4th - Pre-parade including Woman's Club Open
Parade Page
Parade Page
Parade Page 3
Parade Page 4 (Coming Soon)
Parade Page 5 (Coming Soon)
Post Parade - Games and Nightblooming Jazzmen in
the Park (Coming Soon)
Videos (coming soon)
support Sierra Madre's 4th of July activities with a generous donation!
Mail to: PO Box 1073, Sierra Madre,
CA 91025-1073.
The Fourth of July in Sierra Madre is a very big deal. They say
"Half the town marches in the parade, the other half is watching." People
come from all over the southland for the festivities, and when the
4th falls on a weekend,
it's eeeextry goooood. Concerts in
the park, movies in the park,
antique calliope shows, food and beverage booths in the park (including
the traditional beer garden run by the Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighter's
Association) and
so much more. Make your plans to join us this year. But celebrations
don't come without a lot of hard work. Kudos to the 4th of July committee,
most of whom have been with the Committee since its inception and have
guided it to its current heights.
4th of July Jokes
Photo Archives 2010 (still to come) |
Photo Archives 2009 (still to come) |
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2006 |
2005 - No photos, my mom was ill
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2002 |
Archives 1999
Madre City College Marching Band Video,
playing the Mickey Mouse song, from the
year 2000 parade