Hints to facilitate viewing the photos, info about this page, click here Papa Doo Run Run in the Park, July 3rd, click here My apologies to the Lampreys. By the time I was finally able to get to the park, they had left the stage, and so I have no coverage of them. It was not intentional, I just couldn't get there in time. Parade thumbnails, click here Second page of parade thumbnails, click here Post parade in the park photos, click here
Here are some links to specific 4th of July Committee press releases and information about this year's festivities and downloadable audio files from this year's headliner:
6/24/02 - Press release re: Monsters, Inc. showing July 4th 6/16/02 - Press release re: one of a kind vintage staff car to lead off parade
Download Papa Doo Run Run performing Sloop John B or Fun, Fun, Fun, in Real Audio or MP3. If you don't have the player, click on the button below to download the player you need. I have not checked the Real Audio download, as I do not have Real Audio, so please let me know if you experience any problems. I know the MP3 works fine. Sloop John B - Real Audio Sloop John B - MP3 Fun Fun Fun - Real Audio Fun Fun Fun - MP3 For more on Papa Doo Run Run, including dozens more downloadable song files, go to To download players, click on the button
6/5/02 - Press Release re: 2002 T-shirts available June 8
I have made two thumbnail index pages of the parade to speed up downloading, as close to chronological as possible, with a few exceptions, which are marked. If you just want to see a select few photos, the thumbnail page is your best bet, and you will also find links to videos in the photo captions. But if you plan to look at lots of pics, here's a hint to speed up your viewing. Click on any thumbnail picture to see it full-size. Then go to the navigation bar (location bar), and change the number to the left of the ".jpg" up by one, i.e., change 742k2_p01.jpg to 742k2_p02.jpg. Then press enter, or click go. This way you will be able to view all the pictures without having to come back to the thumbnail page, and waiting for it to reload. I have put the number of photo at the beginning of each row to make it easier for you. This method works on the parade and park photos only, not the concert photos. The video files are all short, so they should be quick downloads, except the Sierra Madre City College video, which is just over 1 mb, about 3 minutes to download on a 56k. And if you see friends of yours on these pages, be sure and let them know, so they can see themselves too. A lot of people still don't know about this site, so please don't just assume they know they are on the site. They'll thank you for it, and I thank you for it as well. |
Copyright © 1998 - 2011 by The Coburn Group, Sierra Madre. All logos, trademarks or product names mentioned or displayed herein are the property of their respective owners. All photographs and videos on this site Copyright 1998 - 2011, by Bill Coburn, Sierra Madre, CA unless otherwise noted. Any reference to the City of Sierra Madre or Sierra Madre applies to the community of Sierra Madre and not the city government. The City of Sierra Madre, California government is not affiliated with Sierra Madre News.Net at this time. Any city government information provided herein has been previously published for public dissemination and is shown here as a public service of Sierra Madre News.Net without explicit permission of the government of the City of Sierra Madre. |