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Get to Know
Your Candidates - Ruth Tiegler
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Ruth Teigler attended Louisiana State University, the University of Rochester
and Rochester Business Institute. Her involvement in local government began
early while living in Texas. There she was President of the League of Women
Voters and worked on a successful project to bring voting machines to the
area. Later as a board member of the Texas state League of Women Voters she
worked on a program that eventually led to the repeal of the poll tax.
Moving to Sierra Madre nearly 40 years ago, Ruth continued her work with
the League of Women Voters. Voter education and involvement remains one of
Ruth's major interests. As a member of the Rose Float Association, Ruth had
volunteered many hours working on the floats and fund raising. This and other
community activities have shown how involved the citizens of Sierra Madre
are in improving their city. Ruth has been President of the Sierra Madre
Woman's Club, a member of the Senior Club, the Senior Club, the Historical
Preservation Society, and SMEAC (Sierra Madre Environmental Action Committee.)
She has twice served on the Sierra Madre Commission on Aging, most recently
being appointed in February of this year. Ruth is also appointed to the
Area Agency on Aging advisory Council of Los Angeles County and serves on
its Legislative Committee which reviews current state legislation that affects
the senior population. In the last year there were over 1000 bills.
Issues I would work for on the City Council:
Voter Involvement
Seek ways to communicate
and encourage voter involvement in city government
City Budget
Support a critical
overview of budget planning and spending
Utility Tax
Reduce or maintain
present utility tax rate
Work to continue
recent progress and plans to complete all the city*s streets
Youth Center
Our youth need a
place of their own. Let*s expedite plans for a building
Strongly support
planning to provide local transport to the terminal of the new Gold Line.
Police and Fire
We are proud of
their excellent work and Sierra Madre should continue funding so these
departments remain under local control.
Film Contracts
A responsible liaison
is needed to coordinate filming for Sierra Madre.
Promote development
of assisted living residences for Sierra Madreans
Use of Consultants
Seek to have more
selective and judicious use for for-fee consultants
Permit Process
Look at ways to
streamline and speed the permit application and approval process.
Arts and Culture
Strive to increase
awareness and support of the Creative Arts commission
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