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From: peghgeyydb
Category: Looking for Info
Date: 16 Nov 2011
Time: 22:43:02 -0800
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fmglrtjfssbnbesfofxt, <a href="http://www.gguagrxxbl.com">jzoapbxjeh</a> , [url=http://www.yiinitsjoi.com]drtnonhelx[/url http://www.hdasbgfuzv.com jzoapbxjeh
From: HarPrayerekal
Category: Community
Date: 20 Jan 2008
Time: 14:43:54 -0800
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Hi there everyone! How you doin? I'm having a little problem here, and I thought you guys could help me out. Recently, I started studying german on my own, only to find out that it's a horrible language to learn. (No, I am not asking if anyone could teach me :D). So I wanna do what my mum always told me: "Combine it with something pleasurable!". Just recently I started looking anime (I started with <a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de>Neon Genesis Evangelion</a>. Was rather cool, exept the ending...), so what I wanna do now is simple: Simply watch <a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de>Anime</a>s with german fansubs, and also inform myself on<a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de> Anime</a>s in pure german. Sound lunatic? Perhaps, but I guess this is the only way to learn a crazed up language like german nowadays. Now my questions is: Does any one of you know any german <a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de>Anime</a>-sites, where I might find Information or Links to Fan-subbed <a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de>animes</a>? Likewise, could anyone tell me their favorite <a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de>anime</a>s? I haven't watched many up till now, but I heard that there are a lot of really screwed <a href=http://www.animefanwiki.de>anime</a>s out there, so I wanna avoid watching those. Thx in advance! Cya!