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From: Neuffpersselo
Category: Community
Date: 29 Sep 2011
Time: 15:44:16 -0700
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I have never said slavery was moral i said it sounds to me like it is according to the bible which is waht the South was basing it on. And no I don't want to be chained up and beat but if you read the bible verse it says for the servant(slave) to obey his master it does not say for the master to beat and torture their slaves if a master did that he wa wrong. i am talking about servants and slaves being treated in a reasonable manner, like some slaves were according to this bible verse. I don't appreciate people putting words in my mouth, so I'll put them there my self, yes I believe slavery can be moral not that it always was or is, that is a different thing. This post was intended to show where the Southerners got their moral rights to slavery <a href=http://www.director.superwebsite.ro>Seo web directory</a> and <a href=http://www.bcseomedia.co.uk/>Free web directory</a>
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Date: 06 Oct 2007
Time: 21:27:40 -0700
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