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From: kexpastetar
Category: Community
Date: 20 Sep 2011
Time: 02:13:09 -0700
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The Game Design Document (GDD) it the blueprint from which a computer or video game is to be built. As such, every single detail necessary to build the game must be addressed in the document (or support documents). If it’s not in the document, then it probably won’t be in the game. <a href=http://www.ebancuritari.com>bancuri</a> Below you will find an outline for a generic Game Design Document. The problem is that no generic GDD will be able to address all the various genres for which a game may be created. For example, consider the games PacMan, SimCity and Doom. All three games required detailed design documents, but if you think about it, those documents would be entirely different! As such, when using the outline below you will find sections that will be totally meaningless to your game. But also, there will be sections that your GDD requires to describe the game. Just because it’s not in my outline, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t belong. <a href=http://www.ebancuritari.com>bancuri</a>
From: Unknown
Category: Community
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Date: 02 Oct 2007
Time: 13:37:08 -0700
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