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Category: Community
Date: 03 Apr 2017
Time: 03:23:06 -0700
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SUhXfc <a href="http://adcwmsxxwhpc.com/">adcwmsxxwhpc</a>, [url=http://zcllzrylqrqi.com/]zcllzrylqrqi[/url [link=http://zorscvptklwr.com/]zorscvptklwr[/link http://kfgfyeivkijb.com/
From: HRHugh
Category: Community
Date: 08 May 2011
Time: 05:23:27 -0700
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Something Every Truth Seeker Should See <a href=http://www.jocuri-motociclete.net/>jocuri cu motociclete</a> Hey All, I have been studying David Icke and related material for years now, I think he is on a mission to awaken humanity to the coming changes in consciousness, and I feel that I, as well as many others on this forum, owe him a great deal of thanks for all his efforts. I have read Truth Vibrations, Love Changes Everything, David Icke's Autobiography, I am me I am free, The Biggest Secret and Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion (his best work to date). I have seen countless hours of his live performances, heard countless hours of radio interviews and even went to see him twice at the Brixton Academy. I also have his latest book on order if Amazon will ever decide to send it (I have been waiting for 2 months now!). In fact, I have invested so much time and funds into David Icke, that I personally feel I would be a good moderator for this site, if I had the time to do so. However I am devastated at what is happening in this forum, it has now become unacceptable to criticize anything David Icke says, and people are having their threads deleted just for having the audacity to speak a word against him. He is not a perfect man, nobody is, and I feel that if we want freedom of speech ourselves, that we should allow others to say how they feel even if it is in direct opposition to our thoughts and feelings. What do you guys (and gals) think? I have recently come across some writings of a man named Ivan Fraser. According to Ivan, he has met David Icke many times, has met Linda Icke and many others connected to him; apparently he even proof read the biggest secret before it was published. Now I’m not trying to open up a can of worms here, however I do feel that there are some issues that need to be addressed, especially in regards to this forum. I just really want to know what other people think regarding this information. Ivan Fraser was apparently banned from this forum for speaking out against David Icke, and for a community so dedicated to freedom of speech, I find this very hypocritical and downright arrogant.<a href=http://www.jocuri-motociclete.net/>jocuri cu motociclete</a>
From: ediferborat
Date: 14 Mar 2007
Time: 22:59:27 -0800
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Scandal Video Clips of Nude Monica Bellucci Uncensored Movies and Pics of Nude Monica Bellucci <a href=http://piuttosto.info><b>Nude Monica Bellucci Now!</b></a> <a href=http://piuttosto.info><img>http://piuttosto.info/sm11.jpg</img></a> <a href=http://piuttosto.info><img>http://piuttosto.info/sm12.jpg</img></a> <a href=http://piuttosto.info><img>http://piuttosto.info/sm13.jpg</img></a> <a href=http://piuttosto.info><img>http://piuttosto.info/sm14.jpg</img></a>