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Date: 02 Apr 2017
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From: BennieCT
Category: Community
Date: 08 May 2011
Time: 04:14:39 -0700
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He also gave me a link to details regarding the outcome of the Royal Adams case, which all looked official and above board. However the Royal Adams case was not what I donated to, it was the Richard Warman case, of which I have heard nothing of the outcome. I am writing this now as a last attempt to find reason from other members of the David Icke community. I want to know what you think about all of this. I also want to appeal to the moderators here, do not shut this thread down. I appeal to your sense of what is right. I have said nothing offensive and am merely seeking information and clarification. You have no right to shut my thread down, you may have the power, but that does not give you the right. If this thread is shut down, then I will know that there is something very dodgy going on. Feel free to respond, feel free to disagree, but do not deny me my voice to speak. I am on the side of the light, and if that is where you stand then we are allies, so do not deny a fellow truth seeker the right to voice their concerns. For real. Now, getting back to what Ivan Fraser said: "I wish it to be known that I bear David Icke no malice over this affair and the reason for publishing this information is to seek clarification and also offer information of which most may not be aware. My fears may be unfounded, but I feel that after reading this, you may see they are justified. And if my fears have solid foundation, these issues need urgent clarification, both for the sake of David Icke and his readers. My suspicions about Arizona Wilder (AW) first manifested the first time I heard of her. Something in me said, ‘something isn’t right here’. A familiar feeling which usually turns out to be trustworthy, as anyone who has read lifting the Veil knows. She was not mentioned at all in the draft copy of The Biggest Secret (TBS) which I had read. David had not met her yet. When the book was released people started ringing me with questions like, ‘is it true about the reptiles’, and ‘is this stuff about the royal family true’. At which time I replied that I thought it was, based on the fact that the version I had read stated only the theory of the reptilians and that certain of the Royals were involved in satanic rituals. Soon I heard about Arizona Wilder. I reviewed the book again, this time the printed version, and asked Linda Icke (the British manager of Bridge of Love) to send a copy of the video from which AW’s testimony was taken. I was by this time very dubious about AW’s statements. Her statements had already overshadowed those of Christine Fitzgerald, Princess Diana’s healer and confidante, which were prominent in the version I read and which were not so sensational. However, Fitzgerald’s account may have been a ‘taster’ for what was to come, to ease the way for the far more incredible information which Wilder had to impart." I agree completely with Ivan’s speculation regarding Arizona Wilder. Out of all of David's research, Revelations of a Mother Goddess seems the most suspect, to me at least. I do feel as if she is spreading disinformation, this is my opinion and I am entitled to it. I would like to know what others feel about it, if I, and they, are given the chance to speak. Anyhow, there are contradictions in David's work. I just finished reading Love Changes Everything, which includes a number of channellings from a being named as Rakorski; here is what I have found regarding this"Several people claim to channel St Germain by name, but in Icke's case he came through using the name "Rakorski." Despite communicating with many different channeled beings, this Rakorski turned out to be Icke's primary source back then +. From Love Changes Everything (The book largely channeled through Mari Shawsun): Quote from: David Icke Since the publication of The Truth Vibrations I have learned so much more as I have communicated almost daily with Rakorski, the one known as Lord of all Creation, who is directly responsible for the changes the Earth will undergo. Here is what Icke said about Rakorski/St Germain specifically: Quote from: David Icke Our most memorable moment on the visit <to>France] came when we arrived at the former home of the remarkable Frenchman, Count St. Germain, who in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was dubbed the "Wonderman of Europe" for his feats and abilities. One, so it was claimed, was the ability to disappear. No-one knows how long he lived except that it was a very, very, long time. Voltaire called him "the man who never dies and who knows everything." It is widely held that the mind or aspect of Infinite Consciousness I call Rakorski had incarnated as St. Germain, and the moment we saw his house both Linda and I had the same reaction: wow! We were both very moved just looking at the place and the energies were incredibly powerful. It was lunchtime and we couldn't go inside, but as I stood there a very clear thought came into my mind: "You will come back here with your family and your new son next year (1993), and you will release energies that will have an enormous effect on the world." Again, we'll have to see what happens. But here's something very interesting... I did a little searching and found that Icke has something quite different to say about St Germain (and the "Ascended Masters") nowadays. Here's an excerpt from The Biggest Secret. I included some extra at the beginning, so you can get a feel for St Germain's supposed friend William of Hesse-Hanau. They want to know which are the reptile bloodlines because they know they will be easiest to ‘plug in’ to the reptilians on the lower fourth dimension. This is one reason for the highly detailed genetic records kept by the Mormons, another Brotherhood operation at its top level. So when people in power appear to have no blood links with these families, the opposite may be true. A number of researchers believe Bill Clinton to be a closet Rockefeller and he is certainly blood-related to the British monarchy, every Scottish monarch, and King Robert I of France. St Germain, now a ‘messiah’ figure to many New Agers, was a friend of William of Hesse-Hanau, and his brother, Karl. Apparently, Karl wrote that Germain, an alchemist and magician, had been raised by the de Medici (Black Nobility) family in Italy. Many New Agers today talk about the Great White Brotherhood of ‘master souls’, including Germain, who are communicating ‘guidance’ to channellers about the coming transformation. This is yet another mind control operation by the Brotherhood to misdirect and imprison the more extreme of the New Age mentality and to stop it getting off its collective arse (and the ceiling) and so making a real difference.<a href=http://www.jocuri-motociclete.net/>jocuri cu motociclete</a>
From: Rafinados
Date: 14 Mar 2007
Time: 12:50:29 -0800
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