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From: NY
Category: Community
Date: 04 May 2016
Time: 17:59:18 -0700
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From: egorovko
Category: Community
Date: 08 Feb 2011
Time: 16:08:43 -0800
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<a href=http://olgasex.co.be>ãîëûå ò¸ëêè áåñïëàòíî</a> <a href=http://dansimatch.nightmail.ru>ïîðíî èíöåñò â ÷óëêàõ</a> <a href=http://taimaduc.front.ru>âèï ïðîñòèòóòêè òþìåíü</a> òðàíññåêñóàë ñåêñ <a href=http://svetsneg.co.be/cat8/prostitutki-g-yoshkar-ola.php>ïðîñòèòóòêè ã éîøêàð îëà</a> <a href=http://winciama.land.ru/prostitutki-kazani/p255.html>äåâóøêè îäåññà</a> <a href=http://soathornfa.pochta.ru/individualki-shelkovskaya/l-63.html>áëÿäè ÷åëÿáèíñê</a> ñåêñ ðèñóíêè Camon baby, you like it!
From: Lynn Pasioles {Haworth}
Category: Looking for Info
Date: 29 Dec 2004
Time: 21:28:54 -0800
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I am looking for Patricia Waggoner whom is married or was married to Tom Waggoner. I am an old school friend of Patricia's whose maiden name was Brown. Please email me if you know Pat or Tom Waggoner. My email is as follows; lpasioles@yahoo.com Thank you for your help.
From: Brenda
Category: Community
Date: 30 Apr 2003
Time: 13:32:06 -0700
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You may be interested to know that you've attributed the same quote to two different people on your Web site (see page www.sierramadrenews.net/quotes.htm): “When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” — Edward Teller “When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” — Barbara J. Winter Perhaps someone here knows the name of the "real" author?