Sierra Madre News Net Message Board Is there something on your mind? Something you'd like to share with the rest of us? Use our message board to let us know what you're thinking. But remember, once you've written it, it's there for good. Inappropriate language will be deleted. Moderator reserves the right to remove messages deemed inappropriate. We have created a new community message board that has no pop-ups, and this page will eventually be phased out. We ask that any messages you would like to post be posted via the new message board. Go to the "NEW COMMUNITY MESSAGE BOARD". We are leaving this one up for a while so people can access the old messages/threads/subjects, but we ask that new responses to old messages be posted on the new bulletin board. If the thread is not already on the new message board, please put your subject as "continuing (thread name) from old message board), so that people will know what the old thread was. PLEASE DO NOT POST NEW MESSAGES TO THIS BOARD!! PLEASE USE THE NEW BOARD BY CLICKING ON THE PURPLE LINK ABOVE This board is maintained through a third party site and sometimes the buttons don't show up, but you should still see two rectangles just below this text. If the buttons aren't there, push on the left rectangle, and it will take you to the bulletin board. ![]() ![]() |
Copyright © 1998 - 2011 by The Coburn Group, Sierra Madre. All logos, trademarks or product names mentioned or displayed herein are the property of their respective owners. All photographs and videos on this site Copyright 1998 - 2011, by Bill Coburn, Sierra Madre, CA unless otherwise noted. Any reference to the City of Sierra Madre or Sierra Madre applies to the community of Sierra Madre and not the city government. The City of Sierra Madre, California government is not affiliated with Sierra Madre News.Net at this time. Any city government information provided herein has been previously published for public dissemination and is shown here as a public service of Sierra Madre News.Net without explicit permission of the government of the City of Sierra Madre. |