City Hall Council Chambers and Conference Room

232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.

Monday, January 13, 2003

5:15 PM


Doug Hayes, Mayor

Bart Doyle, Mayor Pro Tem

George Maurer, Councilmember

Tonja Torres, Councilmember

Robert Stockly, Councilmember


Nancy Shollenberger, City Clerk

Douglas Berkshire, City Treasurer








People in the audience will be able to make comments on items that are covered on this agenda. 


Under the Brown Act, the City Council is prohibited from taking action on items not on the agenda, but the matter may be referred to staff or to a subsequent meeting.  Each speaker will be limited to five (5) continuous minutes, which may not be delegated.  These rules will be enforced but may be changed by appropriate City Council action.




Conference with legal counsel – pending litigation (Govt. Code 54956.9): Maranatha v. City of Sierra Madre (City Attorney, Charles Martin, Attorney, William Garr of Hahn and Hahn, and City Manager, Tamara Gates.




Conference with legal council – anticipated litigation (Govt. Code 54956.9): Los Angeles County Regional Water Quality Control Board v. City of Sierra Madre (City Attorney, Charles Martin, City Manager, Tamara Gates, and Public Works Director, Bruce Inman.)


The City Council/CRA may not discuss any item not appearing on this agenda.


Adjourn to Study Session Adjourned Meeting on this day at 5:45 p.m. at the same meeting place.




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