San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (SGVMWD) and the City of Sierra Madre will again sponsor the annual low-flush toilet exchange program, on April 2nd and 23rd. Residents are invited to come and pick up a low-flush toilet on April 2nd at the Rec. Center, between 9am and 11am. The toilet that it replaces in their home must then be returned in exchange on April 23rd, between 9am and 11am, again at the Rec. Center. In addition to helping to conserve water, the program also benefits Sierra Madre youth, as SGVMWD will pay $15 to Sierra Madre Rotary’s Interact Club (its youth program) for every toilet returned. Interact Club members will staff the exchange program on both days, including loading and unloading of the toilets into your vehicle.
If you live in a condominium, duplex, tri-plex or mobile home and pay the water bill through a home owners association, please bring proof of payment from the home owners association