Yours? Mine? Ours? Exploring Privatization – A Free Community Forum, 2/11/12

Posted 1/19/12 – The League of Women Voters Pasadena Area will tackle the challenging and controversial topic of privatization at a free community forum Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, at the Neighborhood Church, 301 N. Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena.

The forum title, “Yours? Mine? Ours? Exploring Privatization” captures the ambiguity of privatization. People who appreciate using public resources such as libraries, roads, parks and schools tend to resist privatization. Cash-strapped  communities and those opposed to taxes see privatization as a way to cut government costs. Few people, however, understand the full implications and complications of transferring public services, assets and functions to the private sector, what works and what doesn’t work.

What happens when a municipality or government privatizes services such as libraries, roads, park and other functions?   What are the impacts?  Are there savings to governments?  Does it make sense for cash-strapped cities?  Does it make sense for everyone in the community  — residents and businesses alike?

The League forum will explore various models of privatization from complete divestiture (selling off public assets and public spaces) to contracting out services, sharing services with other cities and public/private partnerships. Local examples will be provided.

The emcee and panel moderator will be Jan Sanders, director of Libraries and Information Services for Pasadena.

Cynthia Kurtz, former city manager of Pasadena and currently president and chief executive officer of San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, will lead off the program with an overview of privatization.

Panelists will be Mark R. Alexander, city manager, city of La Canada Flintridge; Scott Ochoa, former city manager of Monrovia and now Glendale city manager as of January 3;  Frank Zerunyan, director of Executive Education, senior fellow, USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development.

Following the presentations, the audience will break into groups to discuss specific topics including public safety, municipal services, transportation and roadways, and property, facilities and open spaces.

Refreshments and a resource table with handouts on the issue of privatization will be available. The forum is free, but donations are welcome.

Reservations are requested by calling the League office, 626-798-0965, or e-mailing