“Spider Wrangler” at Kiwanis Meeting

Posted 10/20/11 – The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club will present a special Halloween program by Steven Kutcher, an entertainment industry “Spider Wrangler” and master of “bug art”. 

As a Spider Wrangler, Mr. Kutcher fills a unique niche in the motion picture industry, providing bugs, spiders, and other insects for movie and TV show production.  His presentation will include a DVD with examples of his insects performing in movies and TV shows. 

His other expertise is creating art with these creatures, loading their legs with paint, then letting them crawl around on a blank canvass. The result is “bug art”, and he’ll demonstrate it at this fascinating meeting.

The meeting will be Tuesday, October 25 at noon at The Lodge (formerly Masonic Temple), 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.  The public is invited and lunch will be served.  The lunch cost is $11 per person; reservations and exact change are required.  For reservations, please contact Pat Birdsall at 355-7290 no later than noon the preceding Monday.

Visitors may come for the program only (no charge, without lunch), which will begin promptly at 12:30.

Guests who have difficulty hearing the PA system should bring a portable radio with headphones, and tune to 104.7-FM to hear the PA sound.