CERT Reminds Us It’s National Preparedness Month

Earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, hurricanes in the south and east, wildfires in California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, flooding along the Mississippi and the eastern seaboard, earthquakes in California, New York, Virginia and the nation’s capital and tornadoes in the midwest and the south are all a reminder to us in Sierra Madre that we need to prepare for natural disasters.  Since September is National Preparedness Month, we are highlighting the efforts of a local group that is solely dedicated to helping the residents of Sierra Madre and its neighboring communities.

The Sierra Madre Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is an intregral part of assisting the community to prepare for and initiate family plans in the event of an emergency.                                                                                         


Local government prepares for everyday emergencies.  However, during a disaster, the number and scope of incidents can overwhelm emergency services.  The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is an all-risk, all-hazard training.  This valuable course is designed to help you protect yourself, your family, your neighbors and your neighborhood in an emergency situation.

CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference.  While people respond to others in need without the training, one goal of the CERT program is to help them do so effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in unnecessary danger.  In the CERT training, citizens learn to:

∙ manage utilities and put out small fires,

∙ treat three medical killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating for shock,

∙ provide basic medical aid,

∙ search for and rescue victims safely,

∙ organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective,

∙ and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts.


CERT members receive 17 ½ hours of initial training.  The 7-week course is followed by refresher drills and ongoing training provided through Sierra Madre CERT and other local agencies.  CERT is provided free of charge within the county of Los Angeles to anyone 18 and over.


You certainly don’t have to be CERT trained to help in an emergency.  Preparedness is the best resource to help yourself, your family, your neighbors and your beloved furry friends.  Just a few simple steps can dramatically reduce your dependence on emergency services in the event of a disaster:

∙ Water: one gallon per person per day for three weeks

∙ Food: at least a three week supply of non-perishable food, plus a can opener

∙ Extra water and food for your pets

∙ Prescription medication

∙ Blankets, clothing and sturdy shoes for each family member

∙ Baby items, such as extra formula and diapers

∙ Special items for seniors or people with disabilities

∙ Small hygiene kits for your family, including toothbrush and toothpaste

∙ List of allergies to any drug or food (especially antibiotics)

∙ Battery powered or hand-crank radio

∙ Flashlight and extra batteries

∙ First aid kit

∙ Whistle to signal for help

∙ Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

∙ Pocket knife

∙ Emergency cash in small denominations; quarters for public pay phones

∙ Paper cups, paper plates, plastic utensils and paper towels

∙ Copies of important documents such as birth certificates, insurance policies, passports, etc.

∙ Photos of family members and pets for identification purposes

∙ List of emergency point-of-contact phone numbers (out of state preferable)

∙ Extra keys to your house

. Extra toilet paper, shovel for digging a latrine

You may be asking yourself why a family would require three weeks of food, water and medication.  Since Sierra Madre is north of all freeways and can potentially have no access to medical or rescue facilities in the event of a wide-spread disaster, residents need to prepare for weeks, not just days.

We encourage all resident to please prepare by having emergency kits readily available at their home and in their cars.  You may also continue the effort by taking emergency first aid and CPR/AED classes at your local Red Cross.  Please help us help you!  Because in the event of a major emergency, you are your families’ first responder!

For more information, you may visit the following websites:




Join us on Facebook at Facebook.com/SierraMadreCERT, or e-mail us at sierramadrecert@yahoo.com.

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