Why is being African-American a crime when riding a bicycle in Sierra Madre?
I was stopped by the Sierra Madre police department because he said, “I want to see if you have any warrants.” My response was, “why should I have warrants, I’m just riding my bicycle to catch up to my girlfriend whose (sic) walking our dogs ahead of me.”
That turned out to be a lesson about racial profiling that has left a sour taste in my mouth about being African American in Sierra Madre. I thought I was free to ride my bicycle anywhere, not in Sierra Madre. I thought by electing an African-American president (it) was a sign that white people have finally stopped acting racist, not in Sierra Madre. I thought if I am not doing anything wrong I would not be hassled, not in Sierra Madre.
I must put the word out, if you are African-American, STAY OUT OF SIERRA MADRE, CALIFORNIA.
Antiq Soul
Editor’s Note: I spoke with Chief Marilyn Diaz, and she asked me to encourage you to contact her directly at (626) 355-5247, and said “I assure any complainant if an issue is brought to our attention, we will investigate it and take appropriate action. Racial profiling is not a practice we condone in Sierra Madre.”