Tom Love, Sierra Madre’s representative to the San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, provided an update on the District to City Council during community communications Tuesday night, accompanied by the District’s mascot, H2Owl, and students from Sierra Madre School.
Love, who sits on the Board of Directors at the District, provided a PowerPoint presentation to update the members of the Council. He noted that thanks to unusually large rainfall, the Governor has declared the end of the drought, but reminded folks that we must continue to conserve water. He gave a brief history of the district, and spoke about its mission. He spoke proudly of the District’s projects, including a landscaping and irrigation project at Sierra Madre School and a water conservation project at Sierra Vista Park. He talked about the District’s low-flush toilet program, which has replaced 14,000 toilets and donated more than $190,000 to youth groups regionally.
Click on the images to see larger versions of several of the slides from the slide show.