Thought for Everyday:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Click here for a complete transcript of the Declaration of Independence

Sierra Madre Fourth of July, 2007


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Concert in the Park, featuring Aluminum Marshmallow, the Sheds and lots of Sierra Madreans

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Pictures below video

Page 2 of Concert in the Park pics





The Sheds performed at the July 3rd Concert in the Park

4th of July Committee Pres. Hank Landsberg hawks some t-shirts

The Sheds off stage

Greg Pineda

Jim Hickey on guitar, Gerry Pindea on bass

Page 2 of Concert in the Park pics

Copyright © 1998 - 2011 by The Coburn Group, Sierra Madre. All logos, trademarks or product names mentioned or displayed herein are the property of their respective owners. All photographs and videos on this site Copyright 1998 - 2011, by Bill Coburn, Sierra Madre, CA unless otherwise noted Any reference to the City of Sierra Madre or Sierra Madre applies to the community of Sierra Madre and not the city government. The City of Sierra Madre, California government is not affiliated with Sierra Madre News.Net at this time. Any city government information provided herein has been previously published for public dissemination and is shown here as a public service of Sierra Madre News.Net without explicit permission of the government of the City of Sierra Madre.